son goes every day. I don't know about you, but my kids
are under plenty of pressure. This is a school for special
kids. I can't say why any of them were there, and when you
go there to observe or visit, you certainly don't ask . . .

but you can imagine--autism, learning disabilities, all the labels.
Without going on I will just report that at Manhattan
Free School, I got to see what it would be like if kids were
allowed to just BE. Not pushed, not ordered around,
certainly not yelled at. And I tell you--it was like being
at the zoo and seeing a rare beautiful animal in its natural
habitat. It gave me a lot to think about. One thing we forget to
do is check out how others live each day. If we did, maybe
we would realize there are other ways.

Too much preaching.
Henry continues to read Ivy and Bean, but he is now switching off with
Captain Underpants. (Tra La La!)
He is thrilled with being an independent reader.
Keeping up with his big brother remains his full-time job. Sometimes
he actually deserves to get paid.

On Monday we are starting a little first grade book group,
so I will report back after that. I have been too busy to read
anything worthwhile, so for anyone who reads this blog
for book suggestions, here are a few picture books:
The Journey That Saved Curious George by
Louise Borden (a ture story about the creators)
And To Name But Just a Few: Red, Yellow,

Green, Blue by Laurie Rosenwald
Different Like Coco by Elizabeth Matthews
I wonder if anyone ever wrote a picture book
about the childhood of a chess prodigy. Maybe I will...
Good Night.
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